One Room Challenge - Week SEVEN!!

You guys!! We are so close to the end of our first official BHG One Room Challenge and things are totally coming together! I feel like this was such a learning curve - and I also feel like I am so much more prepared on how I want to approach our next challenge; from the planning ahead to all of the factors that go into reaching completion!
This week we got to add so many of the fun elements to the room; from towel racks to light fixtures to all of the pretty details. I am so excited to feel like we are actually gong to make it and happy to have the Juneberry Lane wall art printed and in the frame (and I will be adding it into the shop available for Instant Download soon!)

In less exciting news (well, it depends on who you talk to....I find it ENTHRALLING!!) I am about halfway through cleaning the grout in ALL of my bathrooms with this little method right here...

Here's how you do it:
~ 1/2 cup of baking soda,
~ 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide
~1 tsp dish soap.
Spread the mixture onto your grout, wait 10 minutes or so, scrub with a brush and rinse with clean water.
AFTER (current results in the Master Bath where I have MUCH better natural light to work with):

Our next and last ORC Spring 2020 post is coming to you soon, so head back by July 5th to see our entire Jack & Jill bathroom put together! We can't wait!